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Hardemon Dynasty Inc.

  • Driven
  • Youth
  • Never
  • Alone
  • Striving
  • Through the
  • Years


It is our lifelong vision to build a better future for aged-out foster youth during their transition to independence through assisting them in finding affordable housing.


Our mission is to provide affordable housing for young adults aging out of foster care and offer sufficient support during their transition to independence. We will make sure that the youths in our program know about all the community Outreach programs that will benefit them.

About Us

More than 20,000 young adults age out of foster care every year without finding a stable place to stay. And we are here to change that.


The Hardemon lineage was birthed from a long line of love, hope, family, security and community.

Our young adults aging out of foster care yearn for stability, trust and a family to call their own. There is a need to not only care for them but to put systems in place to help them transition from dependency of people, places and things that do not prepare them for a life beyond their circumstances.

HDI’s legacy is to ensure the long-term viability of our organization and leave it more valuable to our young adults than when it began. We will instill the family values we hold dear in our young adults who in turn will move on to a life of positive connections with goals far reaching than the life they could have imagined while also reaching back for those coming after them.

The legacy continues…

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Make a Donation

For every dollar you donate, someone else’s life is changed.

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Be a Volunteer

Interested in doing volunteer work? Join us in our mission!

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Sponsor a Child

You can make a difference in the lives of these youths.

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Extend a Helping Hand Support Our Advocacy

Be a volunteer, donor, or sponsor and help the youth in need. Supporting our cause will help us provide them.

people putting their hands together

Affordable Housing

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couple talking to a professional

Support System

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adult having a discussion

Community Connections

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Our Team

twannia gay

Twannia Gay President

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shannon hampton-lewis

Shannon Hampton-Lewis Vice-President

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bernice cater

Bernice Cater Human Resources Manager

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gladys simpson

Gladys Simpson Treasurer

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pamela mcgraw

Pamela McGraw Secretary

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